InBody Scan

The InBody 770 is the top of the line body composition scanner with an abundance of measurement outputs.

The 770 is a premium body composition analyser trusted by top hospitals and used for medical research, patient monitoring, sports medicine and sports science.

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What It Does

InBody provides individual measurements for each of the body’s 5 cylinders (arms, legs and torso) to provide you with a precise and detailed analysis of your body composition.

The scan itself is less than 2 minutes and super simple however, the results are mind blowing!

You are a unique individual, why not ditch the scales & BMI results & give your body what it deserves with precise measurement of YOUR unique body composition.



Appointments available

Monday – Friday

8:00am – 5:30pm

Results Page


Walk away with a full print out of your results and access to the InBody App to view your results and track your progress over time

Click here for sneak peak.

$55 Per Scan


Pay as you go option or pre purchase a package and save today!

Monitor Blood Pressure


Medical grade blood pressure monitor to coincide with your result.

Trained Analysts


Our body scan analysts are qualified and fully educated to explain your results to you.

Nutrition Advice


Book an appointment with one of our Dietitians to assist you with your journey.

How It Works

InBody uses multiple currents at varying frequencies to provide precise body composition analysis.

The 8-point electrode system ensures measurements remain the same resulting in a high level of precision.


An InBody 770 body composition analyser will provide you with a detailed report outlining a client’s measurements with over 50 parameters, for example:

Packages and Bookings

Ditch BMI and Home Scales

The InBody 770 will determine your body composition without relying on age or gender – It’s totally personal to you.

When you stand on a set of scales and measure your weight, you’re not getting a true picture of what’s going on inside you.

Your total weight is effected by:

  • Your fluid (body water) levels
  • How much you’ve eaten
  • If you’ve exercised or not
  • The time of the day
  • Muscle mass
  • Fat mass

Maximising muscle mass and decreasing fat mass are key indicators of healthy changes to your body composition that don’t necessarily show up on a basic set of scales. A comprehensive scan of your body composition is the best method to track positive changes and measure the effectiveness of your nutrition and exercise strategies.

InBody 770