Online Single Case

$ 30.00

Select 1 MNT Online Case Study below.
Online access includes:
  • A comprehensive Introduction to the nutrition care process
  • Case Study (as selected), including; Perspective (literature review), mind maps, curated resource lists, detailed patient history including diet, social and medical history, interactive videos and activities
  • Online NCPro Tool Kit including frequently used assessment and analysis tools
  • Complimentary webinars with author, Rowan Stewart
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These online case studies assists dietetic students preparing for the clinical component of their assessment and for participating in clinical rotations. The true-to-life Cases emphasise the key nutrition-related features of the clinical condition as commonly presented in clinical written examinations, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Oral Vivas. Activities provide curriculum-level guidance to improve student’s readiness to practice their role as clinical dietitians. This resource has proven useful to over-seas-trained dietitians aiming to familiarise themselves with Australian protocol.


PLUS  enjoy complimentary webinars with author, Rowan Stewart
Visit to access the webinar schedule

Authors: Rowan Stewart and Esther Myers

Nutrition Care Professionals Online Virtual Learning Environment
18 Month Access


About the Online Case Studies

The style of this publication and the information it contains are unique. Using a case-study approach, we offer students, practitioners and clinicians the opportunity to analyze the circumstances of the case as described by the patient and then draw on the evidence base to treat the condition. In the course of that process, we introduce the new dietetic tools and concepts needed to treat the case, showing how they take effect.

The case studies have been designed to facilitate the acquisition of core knowledge and skills for dietetic practice. They develop both fundamental and complex dietetic skills which can be applied to broader practice. As well, they build in complexity and allow users to develop their knowledge and skills progressively. The case studies provide an opportunity to develop clinical reasoning and decision-making within the context of the Nutrition Care Process and Terminology and are an excellent adjunct to any clinical text book. On the cases completion the user discovers they have acquired the ability to apply a range of complex skills to dietetic practice.

The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) is a systematic, science based approach to providing nutrition care that also takes account of the patient’s needs and values. This text emphasizes the Ready Reckoner form in the text and includes both standard and metric measures.  Using the NCP model, clinicians have developed more than 60 nutrition diagnoses, more than 70 terms to describe nutrition interventions, and in excess of 170 nutrition indicators for assessing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition status of individuals or groups of individuals.

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