Clinical Placement Survival Guide

$ 45.00

The Nutrition and Dietetics Clinical Placement Survival Guide provides information for dietetic students embarking on their practical placements in the clinical setting.


You’ve made it to prac! Now that you’ve survived lectures, workshops, vivas and exams you’re about to begin the best part of dietetics as a student—your placement. There’s a good chance that you’ll spend your first placement in a state of shock, overwhelmed by the amount there is to learn. You’ll no longer focus only on dietetic intervention. You now have to work with allied health staff, interact with real patients, communicate your findings to medical professionals, relay information to the food service and the list goes on. This survival guide is intended to provide you with the information and tools you need to carry with you on the wards. Inside you will find ward essentials as well as information to help you navigate the hospital, and food service environments.


Editor: Rowan Stewart

ISBN: 9780980508659

Format: Paperback

Pages: 217

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 31 × 25 × 3.5 cm

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