Your pathway to excellence with world class
dietetic resources.
Research shows that studying in different places improves memory retention.
Learn anywhere, anytime with Australian Dietitian and NCPro online study tools.
No more heavy backpacks and cumbersome textbooks.
Access our proven learning system on your smartphone, tablet or PC.
Introducing the Nutrition Care Pro
Online Learning System
Nutrition Care Pro is a proven online learning system for dietetic students.
NCPro Virtual Learning Environment
The case studies have been designed to facilitate the acquisition of core knowledge and skills for dietetic practice. They develop both fundamental and complex dietetic skills which can be applied to broader practice.
NCPro Case Studies Include:
- Case 1. Adult Weight Management highlights patient assessment, diet analysis, body-weight calculations, energy and protein requirement assessment and more
- Case 2. Hypertension addresses the impact of nutrition on blood pressure
- Case 3. Type 2 Diabetes introduces the significance of carbohydrate intake, types of carbohydrate, exchanges, distribution and meal planning
- Case 4. Malnutrition & Cancer highlights patient screening and assessment, competing nutritional issues, the importance of previous dietary intervention and prioritizing these interventions
- Case 5. Pediatric Weight Management introduces pediatric growth assessment, energy equations and a detailed overview of the related themes highlighted in the adult weight management case study and their suitability for children
- Case 6. Chronic Kidney Disease
- Case 7. Diverticular Disease
- Case 8. Cystic Fibrosis
- Case 9. Enteral Nutrition & Malnutrition
- Case 10. Coeliac Disease
- Case 11. Cirrhosis
- Case 12. Liver Disease – EHR
- Case 13. Community Nutrition
- Case 14. Coronary Heart Disease
- Case 15. Residential Care – Skilled Nursing
- Case 16. Palliative Care
Join the NCPro Webinars
Connect with author, Rowan Stewart for a series of online webinars featuring the NCPro cases and VLE
It is evidence-based and universal, being able to be applied wherever dietetics practitioners, students and educators are working to implement the NCPT. It is also easy to follow, is student friendly and leads the reader in a logical way through each case.
Support-Based Learning
Students are encouraged to read, learn and reflect on the guidelines to advance the key concept that information is constantly changing and knowledge must be kept up-to-date. Students are supported throughout the process by a Website Virtual Learning Environment which provides downloadable student assignments, videos of patients as they respond to dietitian’s questions and helpful case studies.
Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
both the art and science of clinical dietetics.
7th Edition
The Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, 7th Edition by Rowan Stewart is a valued text for students & experienced practitioners alike. The 7th Edition combines information on the Nutrition Care Process along with the latest on dietetic protocols & procedures.
Many of the refinements and improvements in the 7th Edition have been made in response to feedback from the students, educators and clinicians who use the book on a daily basis. The latest edition incorporates the Nutrition Care Process framework for dietetic practice to ensure readers are conversant with this important professional doctrine.
The 12 chapters of the Handbook have been thoroughly reviewed to assist APDs in providing high-quality, evidence-based nutrition care.
Features of the 7th Edition include:
- A new section on type 2 diabetes
- A new section on malnutrition
- A new chapter on nutrition support including the nutrient profiles of oral, enteral and parenteral formulae and the application of nutrition support to the Nutrition Care Process
- Updated recommendations and guidelines for eating disorders, refeeding syndrome, weight management, coeliac disease, chronic kidney disease,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lactose intolerance - Revised information on medications and interactions
- New insights into monitoring and evaluation
- Updated references and resources
The Handbook is an indispensable resource for dietetic practitioners who provide nutrition care in private practice and hospital settings
The Handbook is a highly sought reference guide because it provides the most
up-to-date information on both the art and science of clinical dietetics.
A must have on your bookshelf!
The Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics has become an integral part of my learning as a dietetics student. It organises and explains everything you need to know as a dietitian, including clinical notes and application. The Handbook is a go-to for everything nutrition and dietetics related.
Introducing the Ultimate App for Dietitians
- Instantly calculates patient’s estimated nutrient requirements
- Instantly calculates the volume of selected feed your patient requires to meet their requirements
- Provides a bolus or continuous enteral feeding regimen
- Presents the nutritional profile and characteristics of over 40 popular standard and specialised enteral products
- Allows you to compare the nutritional profile of over 40 popular standard and specialised enteral products
- Decimal precision
- Easy-to-access nutrient profiles
- Popular feeds—if it’s not in the
app contact us and request your feed - Customise NG regimens by selecting duration of feed
- Customer support Monday–Friday
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