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“Discover Inspiring Dietitian Testimonials: Unveiling the Power of our Handbooks!”

Your Education

Textbook & Online Learning

Rowan is the author/editor of The Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, now in the 7th edition, The Clinical Placement Survival Guide, the Enteral Nutrition Support App. and The Handbook of Maternal and Paediatric Dietetics.

Rowan is a coauthor of NCPro Virtual Learning Environment featuring the online clinical case studies.

The online clinical cases have been designed to facilitate the acquisition of core knowledge and skills for dietetic practice. They develop both fundamental and complex dietetic skills which can be applied to broader practice.

The cases are designed to enhance the clinical learning experience & sharpen student expertise by providing practice with:-

  • Real patients
  • From diverse backgrounds
  • With varied clinical conditions

    Create the perfect blend of cases tailored to your specific
    requirements with our Pick & Mix option!

Do you possess the most recent edition???

Stay current with the latest dietary guidelines found in the 7th edition to keep yourself well-informed.


Power Up Your Nutrition Expertise!

Discover the power of combining your Handbooks with our Online Clinical Cases for unparalleled learning opportunities.

Our Handbooks set you on the path; our online cases turn theory into action.
Experience learning that’s real, practical, and transformative.
Join our community and bridge theory with practice today!

Enhance your learning experience with the Online Clinical Cases, perfectly aligned with specific chapters in the Handbook. These include:

  • Adult Weight Management
  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Malnutrition
  • Home Enteral Nutrition & Malnutrition
  • Nutrition Support
  • Kidney Disease
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Cancer & Oncology
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Diverticular Disease
  • Paediatric Weight Management
  • Paediatric Food Allergy – coming 2024

Your Dietitian

Meet Rowan

Rowan Stewart (APD) is the founder of Australian Dietitian and Director of Nutrition Care Professionals and the Natural Seed Company.  She is an internationally recognised author and educator with a particular interest in the development of tertiary education resources for teaching Medical Nutrition Therapy and the Nutrition Care Process and Terminology.  

Rowan is the author/editor of The Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, now in the 7th edition, The Clinical Placement Survival Guide, the Enteral Nutrition Support App. and The Handbook of Maternal and Paediatric Dietetics. Rowan is also a coauthor of NCPro Virtual Learning Environment featuring the online clinical case studies.

Rowan has lectured in undergraduate and post-graduate programs at Bond University, University of Queensland and Griffith University.

“I draw on evidence-based nutrition science as the foundation of my consultations, ensuring that the most up-to-date information is provided.”

Rowan Stewart

APD, BApplSc, GradDipNut&Diet, MHlthSc


Your Gut Health

Natural Seed Co

What is Natural Fibre?

  • Unprocessed & natural blend of Seeds & Kernels
  • Containing both Soluble & Insoluble Fibre
  • Promotes fabulous, soft, daily bowl movements
  • Helps to prevent gut-related disorders
  • Acts as a prebiotic to support the gut microbiome for health, digestive action and immune function
  • Improves satiety & aids in weight management
    – Suitable for vegan diet: With >15% of daily intake of iron
    – >37% of daily calcium intake when combined with cup of soy or almond milk


Our Vision

To improve the gut health of Australian’s

  • Providing effective evidence-based health products
  • Creating trust & lasting connections
  • Increase Aussie’s daily fibre intake
  • Reducing our population’s gut discomfort
  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels
  • Promoting regular, soft, daily bowl movements
  • Helping to alleviate IBS, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids
  • Reducing obesity, heart disease, diabetes & inflammation

Natural Fibre is dietitian-formulated by Australian Dietitian’s very own Rowan Stewart.

It contains both soluble and insoluble fibres which promote fabulous, soft, daily bowel motions and prevent gut-related disorders.

Gut health is 100% about taking responsibility for your nutrition choices. The latest medical science reveals the importance of dietary fibre to the health of your gut microbiome. We now know that a thriving gut biome improves your over-all health, immunity, sense of wellbeing and mood.

The team at Natural Seed Co, are all about supporting a happy gut biome and we have developed the Natural Fibre range with gut health in mind.

The gut microbiome is fundamental to everyday health and wellbeing.

Gut microbiota are needed for digestion, weight management, metabolism, immune system health, overall mood and brain function.

Natural Fibre as part of a healthy diet and staying hydrated, is key to nourishing & maintaining the gut microbiome.

Your Health

Dietitian Private Practice

Caring for you and your family

Australian Dietitian is a small team of experienced Accredited Practising Dietitians. Consider us your professional nutrition and dietetic partners. We provide expert nutrition advice and medical nutrition therapy for a wide range of health conditions and nutrition-related issues. Our special areas of practice however include weight loss, chronic disease management for diabetes, women’s health, heart disease and associated conditions, gastrointestinal disorders including IBS, diverticular disease and constipation, as well as food allergies and intolerance.

We provide expert dietary advice and medical nutrition therapy for a wide range of health conditions and nutrition-related issues. Our two state of the art locations are located in Auchenflower and Newstead

Your Body

Australian Dietitian offers premium body composition analysis using the InBody 770

Find out your…

  • Body Fat
  • Muscle Mass
  • Bone Mineral Content
  • Internal Abdominal Fat (POTENTUALLY DANGEROUS FAT)
  • + Much More

Maximising muscle mass and decreasing fat mass are key indicators of healthy changes to your body composition that don’t necessarily show up on a basic set of scales. A comprehensive scan of your body composition is the best method to track positive changes and measure the effectiveness of your nutrition and exercise strategies.

We’re always here to help.

Get in touch today to book an appointment or to simply start your journey towards better health.

Get in touch now
